Aug 01



Quite simply, Sherry Major has done extensive research and knows how to “work the system” to her advantage.  She continually played dumb to me and others, writing letters claiming she didn’t know why I was arrested, yet knowing full well it was because she had made bogus claims of domestic abuse against me.  Over an extended period of time while we lived together, she “planted” misinformation with friends, family, neighbours, counsellors and doctors as to the supposed physical abuse I had subjected her to.  There was never any evidence to back up any of her claims, as noted at my first trial.   


I will readily admit that Sherry and I got in some heated debates.  Lord knows she drove me “around the bend” with her lies and massive fraud.  I often pointed out that it takes two to tango and truly feel I should be commended for not “snapping” and resorting to violence under the circumstances she intentionally had forced upon me.  Sadly, witnessed accounts of physical abuse perpetrated against me by Sherry were dismissed by the York Regional Police (YRP).   Regardless, I never attempted to hide my disdain or contempt for bad behaviour, thereby leading others to label me as “difficult” because I spoke out against b.s.  Meanwhile, Sherry rarely let her guard down when others were around to witness, and possibly to later testify as to her character.  She kept her outbursts and “dirty laundry” behind closed doors.  That’s yet another in the many ways she duped so many people. 


My first two arrests, in May 2001 and January 2002, allegedly resulted from Sherry’s supposedly inadvertent reports.  That’s how she conned me into continuing to work on repairing our relationship, despite her knowing full well that the relationship was over for several reasons:


·        I no longer had money that she could continue to bilk from me

·        I had become a severe liability with my constant threats to report her crimes to the police (and she knew I had the proof to back up my claims!)

·        She knew that she came from a family with a long history of mental health “concerns” (including “close relatives” institutionalized for depression, another one who was a recovered alcoholic, a third one with both eating disorder and anger management issues, etc.) and that her own mental health infirmities would be quite apparent once they were contextualized

·        As she later admitted under oath in January 2003, she said I was “dangerous” not because of threats to physically harm her, but because she feared that  my “threats” would expose her misdeeds and thereby “publicly humiliate” her  


I now know Sherry’s early reports were fully contrived and intended to have me removed from the situation.  She claimed she didn’t feel safe living with me, yet did everything to ensure that she lived with me until AFTER my money was all gone.  She also claimed she didn’t feel safe even when I was in maximum-security prison on bogus charges while she maintained her affair with the dirty cop – YRP detective Terry Jordan – that had put me there!  I guess she would only feel safe if I was dead.  Putting a little 140-pound guy like me in prison with real killers and violent men just about did solve her “problem” for her.  I had plenty of “challenging” situations from which I truly didn’t know whether or not I would make it out alive.


Sherry created an elaborate series of lies, much like dominoes, that would one day come crashing down.  She didn’t help her cause by being inconsistent with her lies.  This included getting caught “editing” her journals to the courts and adding substantial upgrades to her tales after already submitting them.  She was incensed when my trial lawyer exposed the inconsistencies, becoming very indignant that he had possession of them.  She had not realized that the rules of evidence meant that anything she provided to the Crown Attorney would be copied and turned over to my defense lawyer.  I thank the Lord for such blatant stupidity.  🙂 


Unfortunately for me, society in general and York Regional Police in particular seem to have a “zero tolerance” for domestic abuse (as long as the accused is a man!).  As such, any claim, regardless of how bogus it might be, is seemingly met with the full force of the law and considerable ensuing societal stigmatism for the accused even after being exonerated.  Sherry knew all this – she was simply playing a role all along.  Her acting performance at my trial clearly proved this, when she would cry at “appropriate” times, request a break, then be caught in the hallway guffawing with a co-conspirator about their escapades the previous evening.  Her behaviour, and that of those she surrounded herself with, seemingly fell into a textbook scenario precisely detailed in an article entitled The Psychopath – The MASK of Sanity (please see link below). 


CLICK HERE – PSYCHOPATH – The MASK of Sanity (very pertinent article)


In between bilking landlords, Sherry apparently lived in various “abused women” shelters/agencies after some of her evictions.  She dealt extensively with one Newmarket-area agency, Yellow Brick House, who had an employee, Alice Rundell, sit through my entire trial as “support” for Sherry.  Upon realizing Sherry was nothing but a con artist, Alice reported these findings back to Children’s Aid Society caseworker Walter Sienko, who wrote in the CAS file on September 22, 2003, “question of credibility”and “pulled the wool over my eyes and I don’t trust her.”  Mr. Sienko tried to permanently hide awareness of this knowledge from Dan Major and the York Regional Police.   He further wrote of Sherry’s intent to move to Halifax, Nova Scotia and corresponded by fax (and likely by telephone as well) with a representative from NIVA (New Identities for Victims of Abuse), a highly secretive taxpayer-funded program run through Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC).


On September 25, 2003 Mr. Sienko received a six-page fax pertaining to Sherry’s intended “relocation” to Nova Scotia through the NIVA program.  However, the NIVA guidelines noted the following and Mr. Sienko knew that Sherry did NOT qualify for the following:


·        Have sole custody of all children involved with no access provisions.  A copy of the custody order must be provided;

·        Have no outstanding debts.  A credit check will be completed for verification;

·        Must be capable of coping with the emotional, psychological and financial difficulties during and after the identity change;


Even worse, despite lying to Dan and claiming he did not have a copy of the trial cross-examination and judge’s verdict that revealed Sherry as a massive “malicious” liar and fraud artist, it later came to light that Mr. Sienko DID have a copy of these forwarded to him by YRP after Dan’s fourth arrest in July 2003.


CAS notes also included the following entries:

Sept 26, 2003 – (Sherry) “will not disclose file + consent to release info”

Nov 28, 2003 – “Ms. Major .. a chronic liar and the courts have stated they cannot trust what she says.  Ms. Major’s mental health is in question … Her numerous lies and dishonesty to the Victims’ Assistance Program does indicated (sic) a certain pathology that has not yet been diagnosed.


TRUTH BE DAMNED!!!  None of this was going to stop Sherry and Mr. Sienko from continuing with her charade as they planned her “escape” to a temporary residence in Nova Scotia, as indicated in a CAS file document from THANS (Transition House Association of Nova Scotia).  In or about the first week of December 2003 Sherry Major and the children were spirited away to Nova Scotia, where they remained “undetected” until Dan Major showed up on July 29, 2008 to recover his children, complete with a temporary Court Order for full custody. 


Consider these following FACTS:


·        Sherry simply continued her various scams while living in Nova Scotia – including posing as a physiotherapist (rather than a doctor) and an “abused woman” in the Witness Protection Program and NIVA program

·        Sherry soon began long-term counselling for both herself and the children.  All counsellors were told varying degrees of her “abused woman” stories, as were the kids’ teachers at their school!!

·        Sherry told numerous people that the birth scar on her neck was where her husband had allegedly tried to slit her throat.  She further claimed that Dan Major was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to 10 years in prison, thereby explaining his absence in the children’s lives.

·        Sherry bilked Wally’s Moving for $8,900 for her move from Ontario to Nova Scotia, eliciting pity through her “abused woman” story and her (empty) promise to “pay every penny”.  Wally’s Court Order Judgment against Sherry was “only” for $6,519.95 – Wally was forced to totally change his company policy – NOTHING EVER GETS UNLOADED WITHOUT FULL PAYMENT

·        Sherry bilked her first landlord, Sherry Ryan, for unpaid rent.  Ms. Ryan obtained a Court Order against Sherry Major for $1,003.19 although the amount owed was considerably more.  Ms. Ryan lost her house due to the legal problems – an inability to get Sherry Major out and get a paying tenant in.

·        Sherry bilked Wiretech Security  Court Order against Sherry for $1,086.25

·        Sherry bilked her 2004-2008 landlord, Paul Drake, of over $40,000 – playing him for years with her fantastic stories, including that her money was “held in trust” until the government finally approved the new identity

·        Sherry was obviously never approved for NIVA but due to The Privacy Act they were legally unable to advise Mr. Drake of this when he finally tracked them down in 2006.  They simply said they were “aware of” Ms. Major.

·        Sherry duped numerous clients with her false credentials and abilities, leading to insurance coverage problems, health concerns and money issues!  The worst case was likely how she duped a client, single mother Deb Pryor, with her “abused woman” stories, eventually “borrowing”  $3,500 from Ms. Pryor for an alleged house down payment for Sherry to “rebuild her life” with a new home for her children.  The “new home” never happened since Sherry has bad credit.  Ms. Pryor never saw her $3,500 again – but Sherry had a new (used) Audi car in her laneway within a couple days.  What a coincidence – NOT!

NS $3,500 VICTIM Deb Pryor Affidavit 2008-08-21

·        Sherry bilked her 2009-2010 landlord, Daina Hernden, of at least $2,000 and was evicted on July 9, 2010 (details pending)

·        Sherry tried to convince landlords Paul Drake and Daina Hernden that she was expecting a $350,000 divorce settlement from Dan Major, despite knowing full well that her fraud had bankrupted Mr. Major several years earlier

·        Sherry continually used the assistance and resources of well-intentioned people and businesses, such as the Salvation Army, with her tales of abuse

·        During her tenure in Nova Scotia Sherry Major worked with several charities and companies from which her relationship ended with them under “cloudy” circumstances.  It appears money may have disappeared from charities – and client lists from her workplaces (Sherry kept detailed hand-written ledgers of "cash" clients that one disgruntled employee turned over to Revenue Canada)

·        Sherry Major had legal action threatened against her in 2003 in Toronto when she acquired the client list from New Beginnings Massage Therapy under unusual circumstances and initially refused to return it to its rightful legal owner

·        Sherry has “threatened” many of her victims with charges of Privacy Act violations when they have told her they intended to reveal her.  This includes some well-intentioned agencies intended to assist real abused women.  Most people/entities simply back down, not wanting the hassle.  This then permits Sherry to then gain the services of the next agency.

·        There are literally many dozens of “abused women” assistance agencies in York Region, the children’s LEGAL home.  No doubt there are also numerous agencies available to be tricked in Nova Scotia as well.

·        Sherry has claimed an annual gross income of $11,500 to the courts yet claimed she was paying her own way in 2008 when questioned concerning her legal fees, airfare to Toronto and $7,500 hotel bill.  Sherry’s story is not believable.  Even her lawyer hinted he was paid through unnamed women’s assistance programs

·        Sherry made the mistake of also bilking her former bookkeeper – Sherry’s handwritten ledgers suggest a gross income of closer to $48,000.  Revenue Canada continues to investigate. 



CLICK HERE – PSYCHOPATH – The MASK of Sanity (very pertinent article)



CLICK HERE – NIVA Eligibility Criteria (from 2003 CAS file!)



CLICK HERE – Referral to NIVA program by VWAP 2002 (from CAS files)


CLICK HERE – YRP 2007-11-07 Sherry wanted for Abduction – doesn't qualify for WPP or NIVA


  1. Unbelievable, read your story on the GTAMC website I am a member of. http://www.gtamc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88215

    Good Luck and don’t settle out of court with the YRP, make them pay 100% and expose what a bunch of POS this force is covering up for their fellow brother in Blue. If anyone of us misrepresented ourselves as they have we would be doing time.

  2. It seems women are supported to get away with pretty much anything at the expense of society and usually the husband!

    Attila L. Vinczer

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